ABA therapy is one of the most popular types of therapy for autism. ABA stands for Applied Behavior Analysis, which is a scientific approach to understanding behavior. ABA is a type of therapy that uses this information to help improve behaviors important to daily life, such as communication, social skills, and self-care skills.
This type of therapy can be used in many different settings including homes, schools, and social environments. Continue reading to find out ACES is a true believer in Applied Behavior Analysis, and you can contact us if you have any questions.
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Positive Reinforcement
ABA therapists can help people with autism by developing a plan that works for them based on their needs and the environment they will be working in. ABA therapy is effective because it uses positive reinforcement to improve behaviors over time or as soon as possible after they occur. A person's behavior is reinforced when they do something well; this makes them more likely to do it again next time.

Reinforcing desired behaviors while decreasing undesired ones over time through positive reinforcement techniques (such as praise, material rewards, and tokens) is a great treatment.
Behavior Goals

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ABA is used to analyze and change undesirable and/or excessive behaviors in a good way when applied to people. Behavior goals can vary depending on what is important to the individual or family receiving ABA therapy, but some common examples include reducing repetitive behaviors that interfere with daily living, or teaching replacement behaviors such as improved communication, social skills, toileting independence, and academic performance.
ABA therapists work with the individual and their family to come up with a list of specific goals that they would like to see the person achieve.
ABA in Different Settings
Questions to ask yourself when considering a setting for ABA Therapy:
- Do we have enoughs hours for all/adjusted the recommendation to fit this need?
- Do we have programmed generalization for the child?
- Does ABA presence impede or elevate the child's independence/integration in the natural environment ?

- What is the BEST location to address the specific skill deficits and behavior management needs of the child?
- What goals will be addressed in this setting?
- What is the progress towards goals/outcome in this setting?
- Is this an effective setting?
- Where can the Parent/Social support participation occur most frequently?
- What settings is the family most in or would like to be in?
Duration of Treatment

ABA therapy is typically provided one-on-one between a therapist and child. The duration of treatment depends on each person's unique needs but often ranges from 12 to 40 hours per week. ABA therapy is often most effective when it is tailored to meet the needs of the person receiving treatment.
The world of ABA therapy is enormous, with therapists having a plethora of tools at their disposal.It's fantastic to hear that parents can utilize many different approaches and techniques when dealing with children on the spectrum.
ACES' primary aim is for your child to be successful, no matter what they choose to do in their daily lives. We feel that the therapies we provide children with autism may help them achieve positive results. Find an ACES location near you, and get started today.
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Major Insurances Accepted: Aetna, BCBS, Humana, United, Cigna, and more!