In late January, a viral video entitled “Dancing Barista” highlighted the quality of work and passion that individuals with autism can bring to companies. Sam, a teen diagnosed with autism and a movement disorder, worried that his diagnosis, combined with sudden movements, would hinder his ability to work effectively as a barista at Starbucks.
Despite these challenges, his managers believed in his skills and encouraged him to incorporate his movements into his job through the medium of dance. The unexpected advice allowed Sam to thrive and even drove business as many people went to the Starbucks location simply to watch him work.
What Sam’s story brought to light was the importance of hiring individuals with developmental disorders. By the managers at Starbucks encouraging him to persevere, they impacted not only Sam’s life but his family’s as well; all the while furthering the conversation on the importance of vocational programs that teach individuals with disabilities skill sets that can generalize to a work setting.
Sam shows us how the spirit and enthusiasm of one individual can compliment the skill sets needed in the work place while bringing an infectious smile to people’s face.
You can read the original story by visiting the Huffington Post, Dancing Barista.